Sunday, May 2, 2010

On the porch...

This being of mine, all there is of it, consists of flesh, breath, and the ruling part. Throw away your books; no longer distract yourself: it is not allowed...
-M. A.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Flobots = Awesome

Best version of this song ever...'nough said.


There's something to be said for being away from people. Something divine in quiet solitude. In my everyday life, especially when I'm living on campus at college, I find that it is very difficult (actually, almost impossible) to find solitude. I find this frustrating.

Sometimes I wish that I could just to a bus station, buy a ticket, and simply ride for hours, alone in a crowd of strangers. Or take a book, go to the middle of some downtown park, and just sit and read, miles away from anyone who might recognize me.

Unfortunately for me, my life is much too busy, and much too committed, to make either of these remotely possible. Activities, duties, and required events gobble up all of my time, like small children attacking a bowl of jelly beans on Easter. And just like that bowl, which was so full to begin with, my life is quickly emptied of any time in which to really live.

That's right. I said it. Packing one's life endless activities and commitments, to me, seems less like life and more like an attempt to distract oneself from the emptiness where life should have been.

Ah well...I guess there's nothing for it but to try to carve out a space in my life for real living.

And, oh...I most definitely disagree with the band Three Dog Night...One is not the loneliest number...

...or at least it doesn't have to be...

Saturday, November 21, 2009


After a day full of living, laughing, and loving, it seems as though there ought to be one more thing that one should do to make the day complete.


Yes, listening is the answer, at least for me. There's nothing I look forward to more than sitting down to listen to some beautiful piano, my own thoughts, or anything my Creator might have to say to me about my day, life, etc.

I sometimes feel as though our society, our American culture, doesn't truly value the idea of stopping everything that one might be doing and simply being at peace.

Oh well.

I think I'll go ahead and do it anyway.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stop...look up...and Realize...

I sometimes wonder why music is the way it is, why it can instantly connect hearts and minds, why it can, in an instant, allow a person to know that the world has profound depth, possibility and mystery.

I sometimes wonder whether all of this is true because God is the Great Composer of the universe. He has written each of our lives as a unique line in an infinitely complex and intricate score that continually glorifies His name and shows the wonder of His majesty. Could it be that our lives, the discordant struggles and trials as well as the sweet harmonies of blessed happiness, all fit together into a great work, a magnum opus, that we are daily performing for the Composer, who brought us into being?

In a world where the hustle and bustle of life can seem like a series of unreasoning, random events, I find it profoundly comforting to stop...look up...and realize that all the madness of our existences on this earth are really the perfect plan of Father who created us all.

Indeed, that much madness is Divinest sense...